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Joshua Montour

St, Johnsbury, VT


Outdoor engagement

Taking Photos of National Parks

For my project I went around to multiple national parks in Utah and the surrounding states. The purpose of my project was to photograph some of the many wonderful sights and wonders of the Americas landscape. Through this project I wanted people who haven't seen the national parks to be able to witness some of the vast and incredible scenery that America is know for. I wanted to be able to share my experiences with those who may be less fortunate than I am. 

My inspiration for this project came from living in Utah and exploring all it's amazing places. I thought it would be awesome if everyone was able to experience these natural wonders just as I am able to. So after some thinking I decided that the best way to share my experiences was to bring the national parks to others. It was then that I decided to take my camera and go. I hope that my photos inspire others to go and explore these magnificent places. And if for some reason people in my audience can't go and explore for themselves, I pray that my photos are able to bring some light into their lives.

Though this journey was a lot of fun, it was also riddled with many challenges. One of the challenges I faced was finding the time to work on my project. Although I love the outdoors, real life seems to always find a way to pull me away from what I love. Between working, a family, and going to school full time, there isn't much time to spend in the wild. Another challenge I faced was spending time and growing in my outdoor abilities. Although I love to spend time outside, there also much I have to learn about being outdoors. By going out and getting out of my comfort zone I was able to improve my skills and knowledge of the outdoors.

I believe that my photos will be a great benefit to others. By being able to bring the national parks to those that may not get the opportunity to go themselves. I want my joy of the wilderness to spill over and give others the same appreciation for our natural resources. 

This project was beneficial for me as it gave me a greater appreciation of all the natural wonders of this great country. This project has also furthered my ambition to continue working in the outdoors, and educating people on how we can conserve yet enjoy our lands.

Take only pictures

Leave only footprints

Kill only time

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